If you wish to contribute or sponsor this event, please read the instructions below, select the sponsorship template that interests you most and fill the avaliable form.
Sponsorship templates:
Platinum sponsorship:
Sponsorship value: 1500 Euros (Tax included).
Platinum Sponsor rights:
1. Inclusion of Logo / Trademark in all press media, e.g. Flyers, Booklets, Newsletters, Invitations and Website (Homepage and Sponsorship page),
2. One spot available for placement of advertisement roll-ups,
3. Sponsor merchandize and or paper advertisement available for participants,
4. One available invitation for all 3 days of the meeting.
Gold sponsorship:
Sponsorship value: 1000 Euros (Tax included).
Gold Sponsor rights:
1. Inclusion of Logo / Trademark in all press media, e.g. Flyers, Booklets, Newsletters, Invitations and Website (Homepage and Sponsorship page),
2. Sponsor merchandize and or paper advertisement available for participants,
3. One available ticket for half the price (50% off), for all 3 days of the meeting.
Silver sponsorship:
Sponsorship value: 750 Euros (Tax included).
Silver Sponsor rights:
1. Inclusion of Logo / Trademark in all press media, e.g. Flyers, Booklets, Newsletters, Invitations and Website (Homepage and Sponsorship page),
2. Sponsor merchandize and or paper advertisement available for participants.
Some forms of support can be presented to the organization committee. Please feel free to tell us about your suggested form of support or choose from the templates above.
Let us know your preference by filling the form below.
All Sponsors payments must be made by using Bank Transfer to the following: CGD - Caixa Geral de Depósitos,
IBAN PT50 0035 0542 0000 6148 2300 4
and submitting the proof of payment to this email: secretary.wwm19@gmail.com